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P.O. Box 30246 Charlotte, NC 28230
Cultural Community Highlights

A Statement From ASC Regarding Historic Latta Plantation

All organizations, especially historic sites and history museums, have a fundamental responsibility to tell the full truth about the history they are sharing with the community with careful intention and action.

It is frustrating and upsetting that Historic Latta Plantation continues to tell and share the site’s history in ways that centers and protects the feelings of white people while diminishing the stories and contributions of Black people. This is white supremacy and one of the reasons we stopped providing operating support funding to Historic Latta Plantation in 2016.

As noted in our Cultural Equity statement: We believe artists, scientists and historians play a unique role in challenging inequities and inspiring human understanding, justice and opportunity for all. We believe cultural equity embodies the values, beliefs, policies and practices that ensure people are represented in the just distribution of programmatic, financial, and informational resources.

Juneteeth celebrates a significant moment in American history.  The fact that this history was manipulated and twisted in such a manner should make it clear that the history, the tradition, and the role that Black people have played in building and shaping this country are not fully embraced, recognized or respected. And they should be.