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P.O. Box 30246 Charlotte, NC 28230

Education Provider Directory

Education Provider Directory

Our Education Provider Directory is an online resource of approved Arts, Science, History, and Heritage educational Providers.

ASC’s Education Provider Directory is an online resource of approved Arts, Science, History, and Heritage Educational Providers. All programs are meant to align the cultural community’s resources with the Common Core State Standards and the North Carolina Essential Standards.

Schools utilizing ASC Education School Grants Program funds can only use individuals, groups, and organizations listed within this directory for their grant funded programs.

Once you enter your search criteria and click the orange “Search” button, be sure to scroll down to see your results. You can then click on any of the results to get more information on that Program or Provider.

If you are interested in being included in the Provider Directory or having your school participate in the School Funding Opportunities program (for schools in Mecklenburg County), please email